Elizabeth Morgan – Audition Coach

Monthly Archives: January 2013

The number one question I get asked as a coach is “Should I take this job?” or “Should I audition for this job?”

Conventional wisdom says, “YES.  ALWAYS.”

I say, well.  I don’t say that.

I’m kind of grossed out by working yourself to death.  What can I say?  I’m a Pisces.  We lounge.  We actors kill ourselves with work and obligations and eventually risk turning into angry stress balls who resent the things we used to love.  We take jobs we don’t want or are not jazzed about because of money, ego, prestige, goal planning, you name it.  We give up a lot of time to a project, and if it’s a project of joy, we do it gladly, of course.

But sometimes joy is Mob Wives and a bottle of Menage.  Not rehearsal.  I say this from experience.


So back to the question at hand:

Should I take this job?

Ask yourself:

Do you want to? Put everything else aside.  No obligations.  Don’t worry about other people.  Do you want to?

Do you want to take this job?  Is doing this job better than Mob Wives and a bottle of Menage? (Feel free to insert YOUR hobby here) If the answer is no…

Don’t take it.

I’m going to say that again because it’s so simple and it’s also actor-heresy:

If you don’t want to, don’t.

Enter the What If’s:

What if the money is great?

What if I completely screw myself with this company?

What if I piss someone off?

What if’s screw like rabbits, by the way, and have broods of their own what ifs.

I’m not saying ignore the what ifs, I’m saying first and foremost ask yourself:

Do you want this job?

If the answer is a resounding joyful GOD YES, then girl, go for it.

If the answer is “I don’t know.” Then ask yourself this:  Are the What If’s I’m having  just plain ol’ fear?  Or is it that feeling of “I know this isn’t right for me”?  Plain ol’ fear isn’t a good reason not do something.  That icky sinking feeling of “UGh…I don’t wanna.  I know this isn’t my bag.” IS.

Do Less Work.

Do less work you don’t want to do, and more work you do.  Do less chores.  Do more joy.  Do less slog.  Do more jazz.  Do less trudge.  Do more fun.

Might that leave you with a little free time to…dare I say, relax?  Why yes.  Yes it just might.

Do joyful work.  Work that makes you happy.  You don’t have time for the other stuff.